
Should Your Business Upgrade It’s Website To WordPress 5.0.2

Should You Upgrade Your WordPress Site To 5.0.2

Only a few short weeks ago, we wrote about the introduction of WordPress 5.0 in early December and discussed whether or not your company should upgrade now, never or at a later date. Our recommendation was to wait until some of the bugs had been worked out of the system and until your business has a slow time of year to ramp up to the new way of posting with this new update. It seems that we were on the right track since WordPress has just made WordPress 5.0.2 available to the public, a maintenance release that addresses 73 known bugs associated with WordPress 5.0.

What is WordPress 5.0.2?

WordPress 5.0.2 seeks to address some of the problems that users have been having with the new WordPress 5.0 release. Most of these issues are associated with the block editor feature. Unlike previous WordPress releases, 5.0 is a WYSIWYG editor and requires no HTML or coding knowledge. According to WordPress, the new maintenance release increases the posting speed by 330 percent (for a post with 200 blocks). It also includes 45 block editor improvements, fixes 17 known block editor bugs and addresses some internationalization issues. You can view a complete list of the problems discussed with 5.0.2 on the WordPress website.

Should we upgrade to WordPress 5.0.2?

Our original opinion on whether to upgrade to WordPress 5.0 now or wait still stands. We still feel it’s prudent to expect since many businesses are otherwise occupied with end-of-the-year tasks in December and January and a radical revamping like 5.0 is likely to have a few growing pains. Also, 5.0 uses Gutenburg, which is not compatible with many WordPress plug-ins. As with any upgrade, we also recommend backing up all of your WordPress files before you download WordPress 5.0.

However, if you have already upgraded to WordPress 5.0, it is a good idea to go ahead and download the 5.0.2 maintenance release. This is likely to make your WordPress experience less troublesome and less time-consuming. To upgrade to WordPress 5.0.2, download WordPress 5.0.2 or go to your WordPress dashboard, go to Updates and click Update Now. In fact, you may already have the new maintenance release. Websites that support automatic background updates have already started to update automatically.

To learn more about using WordPress, deciding whether WordPress 5.0.2 is the right choice for you and your company, and to learn ways to make your website more efficient for both you and your readers, contact or call us at (enter contact info). We can also help you with backing up your data before your upgrade.


Have You Made Up Your Mind Regarding Your 2019 Technology Plan?

December 31st is Make Up Your Mind Day

As New Year’s Eve approaches, it’s time to remember its other name: Make Up Your Mind Day. As the last day of the business year for most companies, it’s also a vital point for putting your plans for the next year into action. Unfortunately, creating a business technology strategy can be a complicated process for many IT professionals. Which way will your company go in the new year?

December 31 is Make Up Your Mind Day.  So have you made up your mind regarding your 2019 technology plan?

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind as you work on developing your business technology plan for 2019:

Have You Made Up Your Mind Regarding Your 2019 Technology Plan?

  • Look at digitizing: The process of turning your organization from a traditional one to a digital enterprise is a complex process and requires a great deal of thought and investment to pull off well. Companies that lack a solid understanding of the challenges and opportunities are among the reason why 84% of attempts at digitization end in failure. Make sure you prioritize this vital part of your company’s growth for the upcoming year.
  • Consider legacy assets: Will that old server holds out a few more years or is it time to upgrade the aging sales software instead? Though legacy assets can be challenging to incorporate into your existing scheme, it’s much easier than it was just a few years ago given the prevalence of solution-based software. However, there’s a particular point where it’s just more straightforward to say goodbye to these old classics. Fortunately, there are a few easy signs to help you recognize whether that time has come.
  • Contemplate what tech employees use: Should you dictate to employees the technology they should use when at work? Considering the prevalence of mobile devices and the focus on specific brands, the iOS versus Android battle may appear front and center at your workplace very soon. With 38% of employees resenting management dictating what tech they can use on the job, it’s important to consider more comprehensive solutions that allow employees to work more productively.
  • Take a look at the long-term goals: Trying to bring your business into the fourth industrial revolution without long-term goals to guide you would be like Columbus taking off across the Atlantic without an astrolabe. You know you’re following something, but you waste a lot of time and effort trying to get there. Our friends at Hacker Noon have a great article on how to break down large, seemingly impossible goals into shorter goals, allowing you to navigate from one point to another without being lost in an ocean of planning.
  • Consider upgrades: What condition are those old workstations in? What about that series of laptops that you’re continually making repairs to or sending out for warranty work? When you have the budget available, upgrade or replace poor-performing assets in your system to improve your overall uptime and reduce the amount of work that needs to happen to keep things rolling. This gives you more free time for strategizing to get your business ahead.
  • Make it mobile: If you’re not mobile by this point, you’re missing out. There are so many tools available to help you improve productivity, whether it’s connecting social media accounts, communicating with teams, taking remote payments or having music while you’re wrapping up quarterly reports. Adding mobile capability means your entire team can be more productive on the go, whether waiting for the VP for the meeting or dealing with an emergency from around the globe.
  • Contemplate automation: What does your workflow look like? If you still have manual processes that can be automated, you’re wasting money. Whether it’s marketing tasks that can be more easily handled by a bot on Facebook, a tracking system for your warehouse to make your pickers more efficient or any number of other tasks, automation keeps your business rolling smoothly and efficiently while making your operation more flexible.

With digitization breathing hot down the necks of most IT professionals, having a solid technology strategy in place can make the difference between the success and failure of the business as a whole. As IT shifts from an ancillary department to the central core of a company, it’s important to make sure that the leadership is in place to strategize this shift and ensure that it can be made successfully without costing the business more than necessary to provide an excellent outcome.


Sextortion Scam Pretending To Come From Your Hacked Email Account

A recent sextortion scheme highlights the vulnerability users face when their data is stolen and used against them.

The widespread threat made it seem as though a hacker had compromising video of a victim taken while visiting adult pornographic websites. The scammers threatened to release the video unless they were paid in bitcoins.

Sextortion Scam

Here’s a closer look at the threat and how to prevent such ruses in the future.

What Happened in the Sextortion Case?

The latest fraud was different from earlier sextortion cases in one significant aspect. Victims were targeted with an email that appeared to come from their very own email account.

In the past, similar hacks used passwords to an adult website that had been stolen in a data breach. The scammer would threaten to release information about the victim’s activity in exchange for cryptocurrency.

Are These Schemes Successful?

The risk of public embarrassment is a powerful motivator for many victims who would rather pay than be exposed for visiting questionable websites. The recent scheme was first noted in the Netherlands, where it reportedly netted €40,000 in short order. That kind of quick cash is highly motivating to hackers looking to make a large amount of money fast.

What Did the Sextortion Email Say?

The English version of the scam had a subject line that included the victim’s email address and “48 hours to pay,” e.g. “ 48 hours to pay,”

In broken English, the scammer claimed to be part of an international hacker group that now had access to all accounts and gave an example of a stolen password.

Throughout several months, the email alleged, the victim’s devices were infected with a virus from visiting adult websites. Now, the hackers had access to a victim’s social media and messages.

“We are aware of your little and big secrets … yeah, you do have them,” the email continued. “We saw and recorded your doings on porn websites. Your tastes are so weird, you know.”

The email further claimed to have recordings of the victim viewing these websites and threatened to release them to friends and relatives. It demanded payment of $800 in bitcoin within 48 hours of reading the message. If the funds were received, the data would be erased. If not, videos would be sent to every contact found on the victim’s device.

For unsuspecting victims, receiving such an email could be terrifying. That’s why so many people succumb to such demands and pay up.

What Can Users Do?

While it’s easy to be scared into sending payment, the reality is that these emails can be ignored and deleted. It’s a good idea after doing so to run an anti-virus scan on all your devices to be sure that there is no malware installed.

Many of these scams occur because a domain has been hacked. However, these vulnerabilities can be eliminated by using some basic protections. Using domain name system (DNS) records designed for email validation and authentication are an essential first step. Here are three of the most common:

  • SPF. A sender policy framework (SPF) verifies that an email that claims to come from a domain is associated with an authorized IP address. An SPF can detect faked sender email addresses in spam filters. Hackers are less likely to target such domains for phishing attacks.
  • DKIM. DomainKeys Identified Email (DKIM) lets an email receiver verify that an email coming from a domain was authorized by that domain. Senders need to attach a digital signature to each outgoing message that’s linked to a domain name. The recipient’s system can compare that signature to a published key.
  • DMARC. Layered on top of SPF and DKIM is domain-based message authentication, reporting and conformance protocol (DMARC). Established in 2011, DMARC allows email senders to publish policies about unauthorized email. Also, email receivers can provide reporting to those senders. Both are designed to build a domain reputation and credibility about Domain-issued emails.

Your users and domains are vulnerable to hackers looking to exploit technology to shame people into paying. With the right technology assessments, security protocols and safeguards in place, your systems will be protected and dissuade hackers from attacking your sites in the future.


Important FBI/DHS Warning: Update On FBI and DHS Warning: SamSam Ransomware

The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a critical alert Dec. 3, warning users about SamSam ransomware and providing details on what system vulnerabilities permit the pernicious product to be deployed.

SamSam Ransomware

According to the alert, which came from the DHS’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) along with the FBI, the SamSam actors targeted multiple industries—some within critical infrastructure—with the ransomware, which also is known as MSIL/Samas. The attacks mostly affected victims within the United States, but there was also an international impact.

As pointed out in the alert, organizations are more at risk to be attacked by network-wide infections than individuals because they are typically in a position where they have no option but making ransom payments.

“Organizations that provide essential functions have a critical need to resume operations quickly and are more likely to pay larger ransoms,” the alert states.

That does not mean individual systems cannot or are not attacked, but they are targeted significantly less by this particular type of malware.

How do SamSam actors operate?

Through FBI analysis of victims’ access logs and victim-reporting over the past couple of years, the agencies have discovered that the SamSam actors exploit Windows servers and vulnerable JBoss applications. Hackers use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to gain access to their victims’ networks through an approved access point and infect reachable hosts. From there, the cyber actors “escalate privileges for administrator rights, drop malware onto the server, and run an executable file, all without victims’ action or authorization,” the report states.

RDP ransomware campaigns are typically accomplished through stolen login credentials—sometimes purchased from darknet marketplaces—or brute force attacks. Since they do not rely on victims completing a specific action, detecting RDP intrusions is challenging, according to the alert.

Ransom notes instructing victims to establish contact through a Tor hidden service are left on encrypted computers by the SamSam attackers. Victims are assured that once they pay the ransom in Bitcoin, they will receive links to download cryptographic keys and tools for decrypting their network.

Where did SamSam originate?

The Department of Justice recently indicted two Iranian men who allegedly were behind the creation of SamSam and deployed the ransomware, causing approximately $30 million of damage and collecting about $6 million in ransom payments from victims. The crippling ransomware affected about 200 municipalities, hospital, universities and other targets during the past three years, according to an article from Wired.

Keith Jarvis, a senior security researcher at SecureWorks, reiterated the sophistication of the SamSam ransomware and how it gains access to systems through weak authentication or vulnerabilities in web applications, methods that don’t require the victim to engage in a particular action. Hackers also go out of their way to target specific victims whose critical operations rely on getting systems up and running as quickly as possible, making them more likely to simply pay up.

What technical details about SamSam are important?

In the joint DHS and FBI report, the federal agencies provided a list, though not exhaustive, of SamSam Malware Analysis Reports that outline four variants of the ransomware. Organizations or their IT services administrators can review the following reports:

MAR-10219351.r1.v2 – SamSam1

MAR-10166283.r1.v1 – SamSam2

MAR-10158513.r1.v1 – SamSam3

MAR-10164494.r1.v1 – SamSam4

What mitigation and prevents practices are best?

In general, organizations are encouraged to not pay ransoms, since there is no guarantee they will receive decryption keys from the criminals. However, relying on a contingency plan or waiting out an attack, as advised by the FBI, is difficult when an entire operation has been compromised.

The best course of action is for organizations to strengthen their security posture in a way that prevents or at least mitigates the worst impacts of ransomware attacks. The FBI and DHS provided several best practices for system owners, users and administrators to consider to protect their systems.

For instance, network administrators are encouraged to review their systems to detect those that use RDP remote communication and place any system with an open RDP port behind a firewall. Users can be required to use a virtual private network (VPN) to access the system. Other best practices, according to the report, include:

  • Applying two-factor authentication
  • Disabling file and printer sharing services when possible, or using Active Directory authentication or strong passwords for required services
  • Regularly applying software and system updates
  • Reviewing logs regularly to detect intrusion attempts.
  • Ensuring third parties follow internal policies on remote access
  • Disabling RDP on critical devices where possible
  • Regulating and limiting external-to-internal RDP connections
  • Restricting the ability of users to install and run the unwanted software application

This just scratches the surface of actions that administrators and users can take to protect their networks against SamSam or other cyber-attacks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides more thorough recommendations in its Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops, or Special Publication 800-83.

Information technology specialists can also provide insight and advice for how organizations can detect gaps or vulnerabilities in their cyber-security that leave them susceptible to SamSam or other malware infections.


Threat Advisory: SamSam Ransomware

SamSam Ransomware is becoming a massive problem for multiple industries across the United States. In fact, the problem is so big that The Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, (NCCIC), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), have all recently issued a US-CERT alert due to the SamSam ransomware. Like other types of ransomware, files and networks are infected. In exchange for uninfected the system, hackers want a ransom, that typically costs thousands upon thousands of dollars. Every company that runs a network needs to be aware of SamSam ransomware. Here is what you need to know about this topic.

SamSam Ransomware

What is SamSam Ransomware?

SamSam ransomware is a type of ransomware that is designed to exploit Windows servers to gain access to your network. Once it is in the network, it uses the JexBoss Exploit Kit to access your JBoss applications. This type of ransomware is also able to use Remote Desktop Protocol to access your network. The virus is difficult to detect, due to the path it takes to access your system. Once the virus has made its way inside, hackers are able to get administrators’ rights, putting their malware on your server and basically hijacking your network. They do not release their hold on their network until you pay them the ransom they are asking.

What Can You Do to Decrease Your Chances of Getting SamSam Ransomware?

It is extremely important that you take the correct precautions to decrease your chances of getting infected with SamSam ransomware.

One of the steps you can take is to enable strong passwords and an account lockout policy. If you have strong passwords and a good lockout policy in place, it makes it much harder for the software to hack into your system and infect it. Enabling multi-factor authentication can also help. Before any new software can be installed, before software can be wiped or before changes can be made to your network, authentication is needed. The more authentication levels you have, the harder it will be for any ransomware to infect your system.

Unfortunately, while you can decrease your chances of getting infected with SamSam ransomware, there is no way to prevent infection altogether. As such, it is essential that you regularly install system and software updates and maintain a great backup system for all of your data and systems. This way, if you do get infected, you have a recent back-up for all of your system and data. You can wipe your current, infected system and start fresh from your backup point, without losing much at all.

How Can You Learn More About SamSam Ransomware?

If you are looking to learn more about SamSam ransomware, including the technical details surrounding it. It is highly recommended that you read through the SamSam Malware Analysis Reports that have been released by the US-CERT. A list of the reports, including links, are included here:

SamSam Ransomware is infecting computer systems and networks in multiple industries all across America. It is important that you learn what this ransomware is and how to protect yourself against it. Taking the right action can help to minimize the chances of your network being held ransom by SamSam ransomware.


Marriott Data Breach: What You Need To Know

Heads up if you’ve stayed or made reservations at a Marriott or Starwood property over the last decade. A major security issue was just announced and the scope of the problem is actually quite astonishing. Here’s what you need to know about the Marriott International data breach.

Marriott Data Breach

What is the Marriott Data Breach?

On November 30th, Marriott International announced that the private information of up to 500 million guests became compromised. The breach is one of the largest in history and brings up a variety of concerns regarding consumer privacy safety.

They noted that an internal tool recognized a data breach in September, but wasn’t able to confirm the issue was part of the Starwood database until November. Further investigation revealed that the problem has happened since as far back as 2014 and that the exact breadth of the issue isn’t yet known.

Who is Affected by the Marriott Data Breach?

To be blunt, 500 million people is a lot. If you’ve traveled on business in the past or regularly stay at the hotel chain’s properties, your personal data is likely compromised. Additionally, those who merely made reservations but never actually stayed the night are also included in the breach.

According to NBC News, Marriott also reported that for 327 million of those people, the information includes some combination of a name, mailing address, phone number, email address, passport number, Starwood Preferred Guest account information, date of birth, gender, arrival and departure information, reservation date, and communication preferences. Encrypted credit card information is also likely stolen, but the company isn’t yet sure if the thieves were able to reveal account numbers.

An additional report also suggested that employee information might have even been compromised, especially in situations where workers took advantage of employee discounts to stay at hotels around the globe.

What is Marriott Doing After the Data Breach?

While the initial statement from the company was vague, they have taken steps to improve the situation by hiring the public relations firm Kroll. Those concerned about being part of the Marriott data breach may check for more information at a website provided by the hotel chain.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh is opening an investigation into the incident, citing the company headquarters in his state as the reasoning for his inquisition. Additionally, New York planned to look into the incident and other states where the company has properties are likely to follow. There is no word yet on how the breach is being reviewed internationally.

Furthermore, within hours of the news, a class action lawsuit for 12 billion dollars was filed by Ben Meiselas of Geragos & Geragos. The suit is on behalf of two plaintiffs who feel duped by the company not immediately admitting there was a security issue. In other cases in the past are any indication, there’s likely to be a settlement out of court soon.

What Can Other Companies Learn from Marriott’s Data Breach?

At this time, it is hard to tell what other companies can learn from Marriott International’s data breach since news of the incident is still relatively recent. Other companies have faced similar issues in the past, such as Yahoo’s admission earlier this year that the three billion accounts had information hacked and Under Armour’s data breach of 150 million MyFitnessPal user accounts. Those companies were able to provide customers with free credit monitoring to try to earn back trust, but time will still tell on how it affects each firm’s reputation overall. Both have made attempts to increase application cybersecurity.

In short, if you have made a reservation or stayed at a Marriott Hotel or Starwood property in the last few years, it is wise to invest in some version of identity theft monitoring. Also, consider additional discussion and concerns with your lawyer general and by making a claim on Marriott’s data breach website.


What Is Small Business Saturday? (November 24th, 2018)

How do you usually shop when you need something like a gift for a friend, a new pair of shoes, or a bike for your son or daughter? Today more than ever before, Americans make a beeline for the computer or a big box store when it comes to getting through their shopping list.

Small Business Saturday

And it’s not just clothes, toys, and gifts we buy at these places. Paper towel, cell phones, greeting cards, and all your groceries can be purchased at the same time — with just one trip to a large chain store or one click of a button.

So where does this leave the little guy — small businesses?

Small businesses are closing up shop, and fewer new businesses are opening than ever before. Unfortunately for everyone, this means less support to locally-run firms, more unemployment, cheaper goods, terrible customer services, and small towns that suffer.

But you can help!

Small Business Saturday is a way to pump life into the small businesses here in the U.S. — and around the world. Here’s a bit more about this special annual event and how you can participate this year!

What Is Small Business Saturday?

Small Business Saturday is a day that celebrates small businesses of all kinds around the country. This includes all types of independent retailers from locally-owned gyms, grocery stores, cafes, and restaurants to artists and craftsmen who sell their goods online, local farmers, and more.

When Is Small Business Saturday?

Every year in the United States, Small Business Saturday is celebrated on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year, 2018, Small Business Saturday will take place on Saturday, November 24th.

How Did Small Business Saturday Start?

Especially since the 1960s, when the modern American shopping mall came into existence, big box stores and chains have taken over what was once a country dominated by small local businesses. Small and even medium-sized towns have seen their small businesses obliterated when bigger chain stores come into town. Usually, the smaller retailers can hold out for at least a year, but inevitably, it’s the big guys who win out.

Small Business Saturday started as a way to pump some life back into the small businesses around our nation — to honor and recognize them. The first celebration of this holiday was only celebrated in Massachusetts in 2010. It was created as a way to work against Black Friday, which inevitably favors large chain stores and retailers.

But since that time, the holiday has spread throughout the nation. From the start, Small Business Saturday was sponsored by both the non-profit National Trust for Historic Preservation and by American Express. There are now Small Business Saturday celebrations in the UK and elsewhere around the world as well.

Why Participate in Small Business Saturday?

If you’re a small business owner, it, of course, makes sense to raise awareness of your business and other small businesses around the nation and the world on this day!

If you’re not a business owner, it also makes sense. That’s because consumers like you profoundly impact whether or not small businesses are able to get off the ground or maintain their business. By patronizing small businesses on this day — and raising awareness for others — you’re putting your money where your mouth is and let the world know that you appreciate small businesses and want them to stick around.

How Can Small Businesses Participate in Small Business Saturday?

Small businesses should prepare for Small Business Saturday by promoting the day online and in-store. You might consider holding a special event, an open house, or the release of a new product or service on this day. For more inspiration, head here to Shop Small®’s Get Inspired page.

How Can Others Participate?

If you’re a consumer, the best way to participate in Small Business Saturday is to buy from and patronize small businesses!

This might mean shopping at your local grocery store instead of the big chain supermarket in your town. It might mean grabbing a coffee at a local café instead of a chain coffee shop. Or it could mean ordering a piece of art, a tool you need, or something else from an independent retailer online.

Don’t Forget to Spread the Word!

Lastly, whether you’re a shopper or you own or work at a small business yourself, one of the biggest things you can do to support Small Business Saturday is spread the word.

Tell your friends and family about Small Business Saturday, use the hashtag #ShopSmall on social media, and of course, don’t forget to get out there and spend your money at small businesses in your area this Saturday, November 24th, 2018!


Do You Have Good Computer Habits?

We know it’s important to have good habits in many parts of our lives, from our work to our daily hygiene. However, quite a few of us forget that we need to have good computer habits, too. Developing wise practices in connection with our computers and smartphones can make our lives much easier and help us to stay much safer on the internet.

Computer User

Back Up Your Files

One thing that many people fail to do is back up their files. All it takes is one catastrophic computer crash and days or even months of work can be lost. Priceless family photos, fun videos with friends, key work files, and important school assignments that were a work in progress can be lost. Backing up your files isn’t that hard nor is it expensive. And, to make things even better and easier, you have many different options from cloud-based backups (such as GoogleDrive, OneDrive, or DropBox), convenient USB thumb drives, portable hard drives, and even specialized backup drives. A good practice is to make sure your files are backed up daily, or at least weekly.

Keep Your Software Updated

Software updates can be a pain, but they are vital to ensuring that your computer and software runs smoothly. In fact, one of the major reasons that updates are released is to fix bugs and issues that could make your computer vulnerable to cyber threats. Hackers know about these bugs and vulnerabilities. If you don’t allow your system to install the patches and fixes, then you are making yourself a prime target for a cyber attack.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to perform updates in the middle of your work anymore. Most software (and smartphones) will give you options for when the update should take place, so you can choose times when you aren’t busy on your computer.

Be Smart When Using Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi in places like fast food restaurants and coffee shops can be tempting to use when you need an internet connection, but they can also be dangerous. These public Wi-Fi networks are a common target of hackers, and even hackers with minimal skill can quickly figure out things like your social media credentials and more.

If you do have to use public Wi-Fi, take safety precautions such as turning off network discovery, file sharing, and printer sharing and make sure your firewall is turned on. Don’t be an easy target for hackers.

Make Use of Antivirus Software and Passwords

Would you leave your front door unlocked if you lived in a high-crime neighborhood? Well, the internet is a high-crime neighborhood. Failure to use updated anti-virus software and good passwords is the same as leaving your door unlocked. You can’t afford to make it easy for the wrong people to access your personal and financial information.

Your first line of defense lies in the passwords you choose. Don’t use easy to guess passwords, and don’t use the same passwords for everything. Include letters and symbols with your passwords to make them harder to crack, and add some numbers for good measure.

Your second line of defense, much like a deadbolt for your front door, is anti-virus and firewall software. They don’t have to be expensive in order to do a good job of protecting your computer. It is also vital that you keep your anti-virus and firewall software updated and don’t ignore alerts they provide.

Be Careful with Email

Going back to our analogy of living in a high crime area: if your doorbell rang in the middle of the night, would you fling the door open and invite whoever it was inside? You would probably want to make sure who it was, and even check their ID if they claimed to be some kind of official demanding access to your home. Strangely enough, far too often we inadvertently provide access to individuals with malicious intentions when we click on links in emails without making sure where those emails are really from.

In short, don’t open an email unless you have a good idea of who it is from, and beware of clicking links in emails even if they seem to be from friends. Be cautious about opening attachments, too. In short, be as careful with your email as you are with your front door.


You work hard to keep yourself safe from physical dangers such as criminals and disease. It makes sense that you should work just as hard to keep your electronic devices safe, too. Backing up files (including documents, photos, and videos), keeping your software updated, and being smart when on public Wi-Fi is a good start. Add to that antivirus and firewall software, robust passwords, and the careful use of email and you are on the road to developing excellent computer habits that will keep your files, data, and personal information safe.


How To Ensure A Secure Home Network

Most homeowners and renters understand the importance of home security. In fact, in today’s world, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on home protection. But while securing your belongings is considered good common sense, homeowners don’t as often consider the concept of data security. This is understandable, but in reality, it’s just as important to ensure that your data is protected as well.

Home Network Security

Unbeknownst to many, your home’s security system and its surrounding technology may even leave you susceptible to a data breach. These have the potential to wreak havoc from a personal data standpoint. Paying close attention to the technology you are using to protect your home can help you avoid the ever-growing risk of a cyber breach.

Here are a few things homeowners can do to keep their networks protected.

Strengthen Your Wireless Security

Securing your wireless router is paramount to effective data security. Your wireless networking security will depend heavily on the health of your router.

One useful tip?

Don’t leave your Wi-Fi on unless it’s necessary. This means that if you and your family are planning a long trip, don’t forget to turn your network off.

Other precautions include disabling your Wi-Fi Protected Setup, or WPS. The WPS is intended to make it easier for those within your household to join the central Wi-Fi network. However, it can also be used by hackers to gain unauthorized access.

Configuring your Wi-Fi’s signal strength is also important. Casting too wide of a net can leave you susceptible to outside hackers. As a security measure, configure it so Wi-Fi is only accessible to those within your home’s area. You can also disable your network’s remote management, and be on the lookout for any unknown devices or connections showing up on your network.

Update Your Software

Keeping your security systems up-to-date is important in ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Applying updates and patches ensure you are running the most recent technology available for your device.

Your work doesn’t stop at updates, though. Installing an anti-virus solution built to detect, prevent and clear your system of viruses ensures a strong line of defense against hacking. While antivirus solutions won’t protect your system from, say, zero-day exploits, they can be helpful in preventing malware from entering your devices.

Install A Network Firewall

Firewalls are extremely useful in maintaining the security of your systems. This type of solution blocks unauthorized users from acquiring access to your private data. Installing a firewall is a solid step toward keeping your data safe. These can be installed via software, hardware or a unique combination of both.

Back Up Your Data

Computer users understand the frustration that comes with a hardware failure. In the event that this happens to you, it’s best to be prepared. Keeping a solid backup solution will give you peace of mind in the event of an accident. Test your backups thoroughly and regularly by creating dummy files and deleting them, or scheduling a day to unplug and determine how long it takes to get your system up and running. All this can help you form a legit plan of action to help you recover from a hardware failure.

Maintain Strong Encryption

Configuring your router improperly can pave the way for a data breach. You should use the strongest possible encryption methods for your device. Some of these protocols may include Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), and Personal Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Here are some tips to help you create a strong line of defense against a breach.

Update Your Router Password

It can be tempting to begin using a new router fresh out of the box, but be cautious. While your router has a set password, it may be easy to guess, or worse, printed right on the router itself. Changing your router’s password to something safe and known only by you is necessary if you’re hoping for optimal protection. The same goes for your Network name. While these typically come standard, you’ll want to change yours, though be careful not to include personal information such as your last name or address.

There are some things you can do to ensure a strong password. First, avoid using the same one for all of your accounts. If your password is stolen from one site, all other accounts for which you use it may be put at risk. You also shouldn’t share passwords with anyone or divulge them to anyone.

Approach Email With Caution

You may have taken all the necessary precautions to keep your home network secure from hackers, but often it’s not the technology that’s to blame for a breach. While it’s true that cyber criminals take advantage of unencrypted data, an inadequate firewall or out-of-date software, they also frequently target individual users. E-mail, for instance, is one of the most frequently used platforms by hackers. And while these attacks can hit suddenly and without warning, there are still things you can do to protect yourself.

If you receive an e-mail from someone you don’t know, don’t answer right away. Always first verify the person’s identity before responding. If you suspect an email from an organization may contain malware, first contact the company directly before replying. One giveaway is a misspelling in the URL of a malicious website. Also be sure to never share personal or financial information via e-mail or telephone.

Don’t leave your data security up to chance. All of these steps combined can help you form a solid plan for preventing a cyber breach.



Google Shutting Down Google+

Google+ Social Media App Will Soon Move Off Into The Sunset

Google+ has never really been a popular social media network. In fact, most people say they’ve never used it and don’t know how it works. So it’s not too surprising to hear that Google has finally decided to pull the plug.

Google+ Shut Down

Google just announced a ten-month sunsetting period, which begins now and will end in August of 2019.

Besides the site simply not being popular, Google has had serious security issues. Project Strobe discovered a bug in Google+ that may have leaked the personal information of thousands of users. Though Google says the vulnerability was not discovered by hackers and that no profiles were compromised, their senior executives felt that rumors of a breach would likely trigger “immediate regulatory interest.” So they simply didn’t tell anyone.

Other Social Media Data Breaches

For several years, Facebook has been under scrutiny for allowing the data firm Cambridge Analytica to access their user information. This data was in turn used to create targeted social media ads that eventually swayed the presidential election of 2016. Since that incident, Americans have become much more aware of the effects and dangers of data breaches and social media manipulation.

Given the fact that almost no one was using the Google+ app and the high risk for potential data leaks, Google execs said they simply felt that it was best to discontinue Google+. Users will have 10 months to migrate their data before the platform is officially dissolved in August of next year. However, the company has decided to continue supporting the Enterprise version of Google+ so businesses using that app will not be affected.

More About the Google+ Security Breach

Last March, Google discovered a privacy breach, which allowed third-party apps using their programming interface to access the personal data of users. This data includes usernames, addresses, email addresses, birth dates and other bits of personal information.

The Wall Street Journal reported some details about the security breach and said that Google executives had been informed about the breach soon after it occurred. These executives made the decision not to disclose the breach to its users for fear of tarnishing their reputation.

Reporting Security Breaches

In a blog post, Google said that it decides when and if the organization should notify users of data breaches. They take into consideration the type of data that was leaked, whether there’s evidence of misuse and whether there’s anything that users can do about it.

According to security breach laws, any organization that experiences a data breach must inform those affected. And they only have a specific amount of time to do so. This varies by state but there are severe penalties for not correctly reporting a security breach.

Executives at Google say that the gap has been fixed and that users do not need to worry about any further data leaks. However, there is ample evidence that Google did not follow the law once they learned of the data breach. This can result not only in penalties from the federal government but also users can file individual lawsuits if they believe their personal info has been compromised.

How Data Breach Laws Are Changing

With the new European Union GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), more countries and organizations are implementing stronger security measures. The GDPR affects anyone who does business with an entity that resides within the European Union. This has caused many business owners to revamp the way they collect and store personal information from their users.

Once a company has collected an individual’s personal information, they have a legal responsibility to keep that data as secure as possible. In spite of these advances in data security regulations, hackers seem to be one step ahead. Their tactics change, improve and evolve making it necessary for all organizations to be more cautious.

Senate and House Committees Get Involved

This past year, many social media and technology companies have come under scrutiny due to their data and privacy practices. Executives from Twitter, Facebook and Google have testified before various Senate and House committees. Under fire are their security measures, but also their political biases. The government is considering types of regulations that would prevent these companies from meddling in important things like the elections.

Now that everyone is fully aware of how easy it is to sway voters in one direction or the other, there is a very real fear that future elections may be manipulated by these companies. They not only have the knowledge, but they have the resources to influence the way people vote. And this ability holds within it a great deal of potential power to change our society in ways that can only be speculated about at the moment.

What Should Google+ Users Do?

In the meantime, if you are a Google+ user, it’s best to go ahead and make copies of any content you have on the site, then delete your account. Once it has been deleted, you’ll no longer have to worry about losing it to hackers who have found yet another weakness in the site’s security protocols.

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