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How Partnering with an IT Company Can Help You Support a Remote Workforce

How IT Services Can Bring Out the Best in Your Remote Workforce

A remote workforce poses considerable tech challenges for businesses. Discover how an IT partner can optimize operations, even when you’re not on-site.  

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing companies worldwide to make a hasty transition from on-site operations to remote work. However, they may not have the technology infrastructure to support a large number of employees working full-time from home. Partnering with an IT company allows you to upgrade your network in ways that best fit your business model. Even if you’re managing some of your IT in-house, tech consultants can provide additional support as needed. Consider the benefits of including a third-party tech specialist on your team.

Working Remotely COVID 19


It goes without saying that a secure network is vital to promoting the health of your business. Additional security concerns arise when your employees are working remotely. They may be accessing your network from personal devices — possibly on public wi-fi — that don’t have the built-in safeguards embedded in employer-issued devices. An IT company monitors your network around-the-clock, intercepting any threats before they compromise your data. Additionally, you will have access to the most up-to-date firewalls and anti-virus software to minimize the risk of cyberattacks.

To educate your employees about data-loss prevention, IT specialists also provide cybersecurity awareness training. A significant percentage of data breaches occur internally. Most of these digital missteps aren’t intentional and can be prevented if employees understand how their actions may compromise data integrity. As a critical first line of defense, cybersecurity training teaches employees about network safety policies and protocols.

Video-Conferencing Capabilities

When your employees can’t interact face-to-face, the next best thing is to meet virtually. Tools such as Zoom and Google Hangouts allow your teams to simulate in-person meetings, even when they’re far from the office. It’s important to ensure that they have the bandwidth necessary to utilize these capabilities, especially when other household members may be using the Internet at the same time. An IT partner can help you integrate these solutions with your existing infrastructure and effectively meet the tech challenges faced by remote workers.

Task-Management and Collaboration

When your employees disperse to their home offices, task-management and collaboration can become fragmented. Platforms such as Slack and Microsoft Teams enable colleagues to seamlessly create virtual to-do lists, delegate tasks, and track their progress.

Additionally, software that allows you to sync and share files is vital for effective collaboration. Another way to promote teamwork is to create virtual workspaces, where employees can digitally come to the office, even when they’re working from their couch.

Support for Your Devices

Whether you use Apple or Microsoft products, your IT partner should provide the support you need to make the best use of them. IT experts ensure that all your devices are connected to your network, even when you’re working remotely. Accessibility issues may arise when you’re connecting off-site. IT experts can help at-home workers configure their devices to leverage all the capabilities they’re used to at the office.

Microsoft users can take advantage of cloud-based solutions — Office 365 and Azure. The latter is a public cloud platform that eliminates the need to maintain on-site servers. Additionally, Azure allows you to appropriately scale computing capacity and easily connect and manage your devices.

Strategic Consulting

Managed IT services provide quality consulting to help you meet your short-term and long-term goals. To ensure data loss never slows you down, tech experts develop a disaster recovery plan so that your data is reliably backed up and available when you need it. Tech professionals work with you to find the right tools for your business and help remote staff easily transition to using new platforms and applications, no matter their level of experience with technology.

Teaming up with an IT service provider allows you to implement practical, cost-effective solutions to meet and exceed your goals, now and in the future. Working from home may initially present some limitations, but when your employees have the tools they need, they’ll be able to accomplish more than they thought was possible.

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How to Embrace a Remote Workforce During Coronavirus Outbreak

Remote Work During Coronavirus Outbreak

On December 31, 2019, China alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) to a few dozen cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan. At the time, the virus was unknown. On January 7, 2020, officials announced they had identified a new virus belonging to the coronavirus family. This would become known as the “coronavirus” or COVID-19. A short time later, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency on January 30, 2020. They later labeled coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11, 2020 as the number of cases around the world continued to rise. Texas has more than 70 confirmed, known cases at the moment.

Dallas Businessman Working Remote Due To Coronavirus Pandemic

As Businesses, Schools, and Daycares Close in a Majority of Areas, Remote Work is More Important Than Ever Before.

During this difficult, trying time, the best way for businesses to remain operational is embracing remote work. This keeps staff members and our communities safe while minimizing the spread of the virus. But how do you achieve a remote workforce that works as efficiently at home as they do in the office? Here are the most important considerations to keep in mind:

What jobs and/or tasks can be done at home?

Take some time to think about what jobs and/or tasks can be done at home. Write a list so you’re able to start alerting the employees that can continue working from home of your plans. Then, make sure you’re prepared to audit their existing technology resources, such as:

  • Computers
  • Desktops
  • Smartphones
  • Internet connection

They should have up-to-date devices, as well as a strong, reliable internet connection to help them keep up with the workload.

Do you need to purchase any technologies?

Once you’ve audited your team’s existing technology resources at home, make sure you’re taking note of what, if anything, you need to purchase for them to work effectively. Aside from equipment for their homes, such as upgraded computers or internet packages, make note of any of the following:

  • VoIP business phones that enable employees to access enterprise-grade features, as well as make and receive calls via the internet from their home.
  • Cloud-based productivity suites, such as Microsoft Office 365, that give you the ability to share files, video conference, edit documents in real-time, and more.
  • Cybersecurity solutions, such as VPNs that give employees the ability to connect to the corporate network in a secure, encrypted manner.

It’s important to ensure you’re providing the tools necessary to work effectively and maintain communications amongst staff, customers, and leadership teams.

Do you need to provide any sort of training?

If your employees aren’t familiar with how to use remote access tools or cloud-based productivity suites, it’s important to provide training, whether it’s via videos or emails, to help them better leverage what’s available. This means guiding them on:

  • How to stay safe against threats, such as ransomware, malware, and other viruses.
  • How to use video conferencing capabilities within any cloud-based productivity suites.
  • How to leverage the softphone feature available through VoIP business phones that lets them connect via their smartphone.

For those with concerns, it’s important to address those concerns thoroughly so they’re confident in their ability to work remotely. If you’re in need of IT support in Dallas, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Embrace a Remote Workforce to Continue Operations During This Difficult Time. Data Magic Can Help You Get Setup and Provide Ongoing Remote Support to Your Employees While They Work from Home. Call (469) 635-5500 Now.

Blog Technology News

Top Questions to Ask Before Building a Strong Backup Strategy

What Are the Top Questions to Ask When Building a Strong Backup Strategy?

Does your Coppell, TX organization have a backup plan in place? Learn how to create a robust and comprehensive IT backup strategy for your Coppell business.

Strong Backup Strategies in Coppell Texas

How safe is your company’s data?

If you have no idea or know already that it’s not as safe as it should be, you’re living on the edge where your business’s safety and security are concerned. Too many Texas organizations have shirked their cybersecurity duties and paid heavily for it. Companies around the nation are going under left and right — all because they didn’t take the time to protect their businesses with proper backup strategies.

If you’re smart enough to realize that a business without a reliable backup strategy is no business at all, we want to help you. Creating a backup strategy doesn’t have to be hard. Below are the top questions you should consider before you begin — but first, let’s define exactly what having a backup strategy means.

What Is a Backup Strategy?

All businesses are at risk of being compromised by hackers and cybercriminals. Around the world, as well as right here in your own Coppell neighborhood, there are sinister computer experts who want your data or access to your networks. Alternatively, if they don’t want data or access for themselves, they want to sell these things and make a profit.

Essentially, there are a lot of bad actors out there who are searching day in and day out for ways to take advantage of you. And while, certainly, there are many preventive measures you can choose to stop these bad guys, there’s also only so much you can do. Even the most prominent, most influential organizations in the world — with the very best security on earth — have fallen prey to hackers.

The only way you can genuinely always protect yourself in the event of a data or network breach is to have a reliable backup of your company’s data and network settings.

Here are some tips for creating your backup.

Top Questions to Ask Before Creating Your Business’s Backup Strategy

1. What types of data need protection?

As you package up the data you need to be backed up, it’s essential to know precisely what you want to be included in your strategy. For some businesses, it might be the financial information of employees, for others, it might be personal information, medical data, or other sensitive material.

2. What time frame between backups is acceptable?

If the data you need protecting never changes, you won’t have to back up very often. If, however, you are receiving rapidly-changing information on a daily or hourly basis, remember that you’ll need to create a strategy that copies and stores this new data relatively often (for example every day or even every hour or so).

3. How much time can you afford to wait between a system compromise and when you need the restored data?

No company wants to have to wait more than even a few minutes to restore their business’s data fully. However, it’s essential to have a targeted time duration in mind (also known as a recovery time objective or an RTO). This will help dictate just how your backup will be stored.

Are You Looking for an IT Company Who Works With Businesses in Coppell, TX?

Data Magic Computer Services offers comprehensive and reliable IT support and computer services to businesses in Coppell and the surrounding areas. Not only will we help you create a resilient backup strategy, but also, as your partner in IT, we will go above and beyond to ensure your business benefits from a dedicated staff, state-of-the-art software and support, and ever-vigilant security.

Give us a call today at (469) 635-5500 to claim your free cybersecurity audit with Data Magic Computer Services in Coppell!


Is Your Construction Firm’s IT Equipment Too Old?

Outdated IT Equipment In Your Construction Firm

You understand that when it comes to the tools and equipment your crew uses, continuing to use them after a certain point becomes frustrating and even dangerous. Whether it’s a saw or a crane, everything has a lifecycle – and that includes your IT.

If you can’t tell when your IT has gotten too old, do you have someone who can? Your IT company should help you manage your technology lifecycles.

Dallas Construction Company Running Outdated IT Equipment

3 Signs Your Technology Is Way Too Old

There are many obvious (and some not so obvious) indicators that it may be time to upgrade your technology:

  1. New Versions Are Available
    While the mere existence of a newer OS or new model in the line-up doesn’t mean you should automatically upgrade, it is an indication that you will have to do so sometime soon. When a newer version is released, it means the clock is running out on how long the providers will continue to support the version you’re using.
  2. You’re Falling Behind The Competition
    You may be noticing that your competitors have far surpassed your capabilities and are able to provide clients with features and products that you are unable to offer. If you are finding it hard to keep up with your competitors, it might be time to consider how new technology can enhance the work you do.
  3. Fixes Don’t Last Long
    The older technology gets, the more support it will need. That means paying more and more for support to come in and get it running again, the returns on which will quickly diminish.

Outdated Technology Is Expensive – How Much Does Downtime Cost Your Firm?

If your old tech is working so poorly that it stops you and your crew from working, then it’s time to replace it. The downtime caused by old hardware isn’t worth the money you’re saving by hanging on to it.

Whether you agree or not, it’s a fact – Ponemon Institute estimates that every minute of even partial downtime can cost as much as $5,600.

The main cost of downtime is not the fix itself, it’s the halt in your firm’s’ productivity. If an IT-related or natural disaster occurs and takes critical systems offline, employees will be unable to complete their tasks, yet your normal business expenses will carry on.

The economy of downtime is unforgiving – it grinds your firm to a halt, racks up expenses, and keeps you from getting anything done.

  • Expense Vs. Revenue
    During downtime, you incur all the expenses of running a firm without the revenue you would usually generate.
  • Loss of Focus
    Even if downtime does not grind everything to a halt, some of your staff will have to divert themselves from their normal work to mitigate the problem – again reducing productivity.
  • Affected Service Delivery
    Furthermore, while your systems are down, you can’t deliver services or sell products to current and potential new clients.
  • Cost Of Repair
    However you approach fixing the problem, it’ll cost time and money.

It’s Time To Take Stock Of Your Hardware

1. Does Your Hardware Function Properly?

As step number 1, it doesn’t get much easier than this:

  • Can you turn it on?
  • How long does it take to start up?
  • How long does it take to execute tasks like opening applications?

In a nutshell, you need to know whether your hardware is holding you back, making you wait, and slowing your firm down.

2. Is The Software Up To Date?

Now that you’ve determined how functional the hardware is, the next step is the software. Even if this technology hasn’t been turned on in a week, there will likely be some updates that have to take place.

Updates are important because they correct existing errors and mistakes in software, and patch potential flaws that could leave it vulnerable to security threats.

One by one, open up each program you would plan to use on a regular basis. If there are updates that need to be installed, a pop-up window will likely open on start-up. However, if the previous owner turned off that automatic function, you’ll need to manually check for updates, which can be done in the program preferences.

3. What Is The Status Of Licenses And Warranties?

After double-checking that everything is up to date, the next step will be to confirm the status of any existing licenses and warranties.

Depending on the type of firm, there may be specific software needed for daily operations. The bottom line is that if you need it to get work done, you should know whether you can use it.

There are a variety of reasons why you may decide to hold off on making a major upgrade to your technology, such as the cost and hassle. However, avoiding the issue for too long will do more harm than good, and will affect your productivity, security, and ability to get work done.

Make sure your IT company is helping you manage hardware lifecycles – if they can’t, then consider working with Data Magic. Our team can help you evaluate your IT environment to make sure everything is up to date and ready to meet your team’s expectations.


8 Top Enterprise Architecture Tools for 2020

Find the Right Enterprise Architecture Tool to Grow Your Business

Enterprise architecture helps businesses evaluate processes and technology to drive business goals. Learn about some of the top tools to help drive innovation.

Businesses today seek technical solutions that help them align technology with business objectives. Enterprise architecture (EA) tools help companies to achieve those goals.

Enterprise IT Management Tools Dallas texas

While the tools alone do not solve all your business challenges, collectively, they offer solutions for collaboration, testing, IT processes, and digital transformation. Here is a look at eight tools that provide your business with a strong enterprise architecture foundation.

1. Ardoq

Ardoq is an easy-to-use tool for rearchitecting the enterprise using an open graph platform. Graph analysis is what sets it apart, and the tool includes multiple approaches to importing data from different data sources and applications. Ardoq uses a unique feature — crowdsourcing — to gather input information from within the organization, stakeholders, and subject matter experts.

2. Avolution ABACUS

ABACUS drives innovation with a tool embedded in other collaboration platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Confluence. It also integrates with Microsoft Office 365, allowing users to use Kanban boards and plan agile projects. Project leaders can use an interactive portal to manage ideas and an innovation management dashboard tool.

3. BiZZdesign Enterprise Studio

BiZZdesign focuses your work on the customer experience, with an emphasis on the customer journey. The tool uses the digital twin enterprise model and analytics to drive innovation through dashboards and visualization aids. The model helps companies gain insights into operational inefficiency and use data to drive innovation.

4. BOC Group Adoit

Organizations using one of the standard frameworks will like using BOC’s EA tool. It’s particularly useful for architecture modeling, asset management, and IT portfolio management and is structured to allow for the continuous redesign of the digital structure. Its modeling interface adeptly represents dependencies across infrastructure, apps, and business processes. When used with BOC’s Knowledge Hub, EA users can leverage AI to gather resources and act on innovative or disruptive ideas while considering budget implications and technology roadmaps.

5. Erwin

erwin describes the EA process as requiring an “accurate blueprint for managing change and growth.” It’s an apt description of the erwin process, which emphasizes data visibility. Its tool takes in metadata from across the organization, letting EA and non-EA users see, understand, and act on information faster. Outcomes drive its modeling, whether for initiatives, products, projects, or solution development work. It’s an ideal solution for architecture modeling or innovation.

6. MEGA International Hopex

HOPEX connects business priorities, data, IT, and risk insights in a single platform. Highly scalable, HOPEX allows users to choose the connections to explore integration and deliver immediate analysis, providing a single source of truth for decision-making. It’s a highly configurable, out-of-the-box solution designed to support IT architecture, portfolio management, governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) and business process analyses. The tool builds scenarios that allow for mapping and improving strategies and processes.

7. Qualiware X

In 2018, Qualiware redesigned its product to make it simpler to use. It places a strong emphasis on its visualization tools, providing users with intuitive, visual representations of processes, risks, IT support, and internal controls. Qualiware allows for multiple best practices to be presented, leading to smarter decisions and allowing organizations to choose which frameworks to adopt. It’s designed for use by both EA and non-EA users and emphasizes collaboration. Qualiware has also adopted newer and lesser-known frameworks as options and now includes a mobile interface.

8. Software AG Alfabet

Alfabet helps EA users from strategy development through implementation. Its integration features allow for a single, enterprise-wide view of EA work. It includes functions that enable IT planning, risk management, financial management, and relationship management. Alfabet uses an AI-powered user interface to encourage usage and adoption. Its strengths include architecture modeling, IT portfolio management, asset management. Alfabet encourages a future-first approach that drives ideation and innovation.

At Data Magic Computer Services, we help companies optimize their technology solutions. From managed IT services and cybersecurity to IT consulting and software development, Data Magic delivers exceptional solutions to clients. To learn more, contact us today.


Network Transformation: Charting the Path for 5G Adoption

Network Transformation: Charting the Path for 5G adoption

Is 5G computing setting the stage for network transformation? According to some industry leaders, this ultra-fast connection is jump-starting the next level of infrastructure innovation.  

The latest 5G technology is expected to become more widespread in 2020, and this speedy new method of interaction is a far cry from the 1G technology that was initially introduced in the 1970s. With promises including up to 100x speed increases over the already-speedy 4G LTE networks, 5G internet may genuinely be what technology pundits like to call a “game-changer.” Yet, is there a point at which our internet access is merely fast enough, and we aren’t seeing the incremental improvements that are being delivered in each generation? Fortunately, we are not quite to that tipping point yet, and there are still plenty of advances to come with the introduction of speeds that can reach up to 10 Gbps — making wireless internet feel every bit as fast as a direct fiber connection. With data-hungry applications such as virtual reality and augmented reality queuing up in the wings, it’s easy to see that network transformation will be required before organizations can take full advantage of the speed built into 5G connections.
5G Networks In Dallas Texas

Building 5G Networks “The Right Way.”

Taking the time to review current business processes and infrastructure before leaping into a 5G implementation is being pushed by many technology professionals, even though this might slow down adoption in some instances. Organizations that are shifting into full speed ahead mode with their 5G adoption may later realize that they’re inheriting particular idiosyncrasies from previous technologies that could have been avoided with an upfront rework of their infrastructure. As Bejoy Pankajakshan, executive vice president of cloud firm Mavenir, notes, “A 5G network is envisaged as the most open, powerful, flexible, and advanced network the telecoms world has ever seen. At its heart, [it] is a software network, and its development and deployment require a new approach and a new way of thinking.”

Edge Computing and 5G Unite to Bring Change

With edge computing, processing power, and requirements are shifted from a centralized hub to the outer rings of the network, effectively reducing the amount of time required for data transit and creating speedier interactions between users and business applications or databases. Edge computing is often platform agnostic, allowing companies to improve the overall user experience by reducing latency even in slower wireless transactions. When you include the possibilities involved with 5G speeds, you are looking at dramatically decreased transaction times and the ability for companies to truly bring real-time augmented and virtual reality environments to life in a meaningful way.

The new wave of connectivity that surrounds the 5G-enabled cloud will provide unprecedented opportunities for businesses to shift their focus to collaboration and tighter connections with vendors, partners, and their customers. What isn’t clear is whether these exciting new opportunities will become a source of innovation — or only yet another technical challenge to be overcome. When you work with the team of IT experts at Data Magic Computer Services, you are gaining access to a group of forward-thinking individuals with in-depth technical knowledge and the ability to share their infrastructure and technology design solutions for the future. Contact the professionals at Data Magic at (469) 635-5500 to schedule your free initial consultation and see how Dallas companies are experiencing unprecedented growth by providing internal IT teams with the time to focus on innovation and process improvement.


Are You Monitoring Your Mobile Devices In The Field For Security?

The Need For Mobile Device Management (MDM) For Construction Companies In Dallas/Ft. Worth

With all the data breaches in 2018 and predictions for them to increase, Mobile Device Management (MDM) will be essential for any business with workers offsite. This is especially true for construction companies.

Construction Firm Receiving Mobile Device Management Services

Why Do We Need MDM For Our Workers In The Field?

Research data doesn’t lie. MarketsandMarkets suggests the mobile-device management market will be worth $7.86 Billion by 2023. This is an increase of 22.8% between 2018 and 2023. They say this is due to:

“The propagation of smartphones and tablets, the growing security concerns to protect corporate data, and the increasing need for MDM solutions to manage and synchronize different platforms through a single console are expected to be the major factors in driving the MDM market.”

This need for a mobile strategy for your construction workers isn’t new. And if you aren’t using it, you should, or you’ll be left behind by your competition.

There’s A New Mobile Threat Landscape Today

The increase of corporate-owned devices and advancements in business applications and technologies are expected to increase the need for MDM solutions to protect corporate data as it’s transmitted and stored by workers on job sites. This along with growing mobile security threats like mobile malware are concerning to construction company executives and they’re looking for security solutions.

Using tablets and smartphones is less secure than using PCs and laptops because they lack pre-installed malware protection. Most computers include data intrusion protection, but smartphone developers still haven’t caught up in this respect.

And hackers know this. They have developed cyber threats targeted to tablets and smartphones. Some come via email, and others through SMS text message attacks. And these attacks are sophisticated with Trojans, keyloggers that record your keystrokes, malicious applications and phishing attacks.

How Will MDM Protect Our Mobile Devices?

Mobile Device Management software provides a centralized platform to manage all your construction company’s smartphones and tablets in the field, in the office and on the road.

If your devices are lost, stolen or compromised, your IT provider can use it to wipe your confidential data from them remotely. This keeps bad actors from accessing the data on your mobile devices.

But today’s MDM goes farther than this. Some also come with policy- and configuration-management tools to deliver IT support to mobile end users and ensure they maintain security policies.

It can also provide for:

  • Hardware & Software Inventory
  • OS Configuration Management
  • Mobile application deployment, updates and removals
  • Mobile Application Configuration & Policy Management
  • Remote viewing and troubleshooting
  • Mobile Content Management
  • Security Solutions such as Remote Wipe

How Do We Select An MDM Solution?

As the owner or manager of a construction company, you must select the right MDM solution –one that ensures security, and provides management for each device connected to your network.

The best choice is an MDM solution that’s implemented and executed by an IT Managed Service Provider. They will remotely manage your mobile devices, security configurations, software updates and packages, and other operations. And, you also won’t need to make capital expenditures for hardware and software.

Why Is IT Expertise Essential For Mobile Device Management?

Technical expertise is required to manage any MDM solution. Wireless devices are more complex than ever before, and they’re now critical tools for most organizations. To secure, manage, and maintain your wireless infrastructure, IT experts are essential. For companies that lack personnel with IT expertise, a managed service provider is the answer.

If the solution isn’t being managed properly, your system won’t be secure and protected. Mobile devices are easily stolen and lost, and companies that must meet stringent regulatory or privacy requirements could be put in jeopardy.

With a managed service MDM solution, you’ll always have access to the most current version of software, including security updates, and your provider will ensure that your data is protected 24/7. If you like the idea of an MDM solution but don’t have the necessary expertise or resources, then a managed service option is the best solution for your construction company. It will allow you the freedom to focus on your business needs rather than IT worries.

How Do We Choose The Right Provider  ?

The needs for your business can change at a rapid rate, with expansion, product evolution, and economic cycles that vary. Your construction company may add new mobile devices and certainly will be changing worksites as you take on new projects.

Your IT company should be able to provide the flexibility and scalability you need, and support for new and various types of mobile devices. Look for one that offers a range of options. For example, if you change your mind in the future, can they offer another solution?

Choose a provider who offers round-the-clock customer service through various channels such as online chat, phone or email. And one that has a solid track record with strong technical engineering, management and support teams. Make sure they have a sufficient understanding of MDM.

Also, look for a vendor with a strong customer base, and never be afraid to ask for references. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and look for support so you can select the correct MDM solution and IT provider for your construction company.

Monitoring your mobile devices In the field for security is essential. And I would wager that MDM will continue to be crucial to construction strategies in the years ahead.

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