
Your Dallas IT Services Should Be Fully Managed

As the modern model of IT support, managed services continue to grow in popularity. Why? Because they give businesses the opportunity to outsource each and every IT need that they may have.

Doesn’t that sound like a good deal to you?

Maybe – perhaps you’re still unsure about what managed services specifically include. After all, the term itself seems a little general.

Why Should Your Dallas IT Services Be Managed?

This is one of the most common questions we get asked.

It’s a good question. “Managed services” is a common term that’s used a lot but isn’t strictly intuitive to those outside the IT industry.

So, let’s clear it up – managed IT services take care of everything IT-related for your organization, proactively preventing problems instead of fixing them after the fact. Simple as that. You should have Dallas IT services that provide this service for you.

The type of outsourced IT support you’re likely most familiar with can be referred to as “hourly IT support”. This type of support fixes IT problems after they occur, and charges by the hour.

Managed IT Services are generally considered to be a more effective model. In practice, instead of waiting for something to go wrong and stepping in to correct it, an IT company that provides Managed IT Services takes on all the responsibilities of a traditional in-house IT department. This means working to prevent issues from happening in the first place.

What Should Your Fully Managed Dallas IT Services Include?

  • Support Services
    These are the traditional Help Desk features, such as a helpline, ticketed support, or even an online support portal. Support services get offered in tiered models, typically provided in blocks of hours or unlimited time frames. Layered models regularly get offered in bundled, On-Demand or On-Site, support packages.
  • Cloud Services
    Moving to the cloud is as necessary as it is challenging. With an IT company’s assistance, your team can harness the strategic advantages offered by the cloud — efficiency, agility, and scalability — without taking on any risks that come with a poorly planned and executed migration. Your Dallas IT services can manage cloud infrastructure by standardizing interactions between cloud environments. It also allows greater control over specific services to outsource while achieving interoperable cloud infrastructure management between consumers and service providers.
  • Modern Phone Systems
    Traditional phone systems are a thing of the past. Landlines are expensive, rigid and inconvenient, which is why many businesses opt to modernize their services by merging them into a unified system. Modern communications solutions use cloud technology to make calls instead of a traditional phone line, granting you greater connectivity, more features, and reduced costs. This service covers the merging of data, voice, and video on the same IP Network. Along with that comes a managed contact center. The center will combine two sections into one. On one side there are the traditional call center features. On the opposite side, is the intelligent IP call routing, integrating email, phone, web, IM, and fax.
  • Networks & Infrastructure
    It doesn’t matter how new and expensive your desktop computers are if they’re not connected to anything. Especially given the prevalence of cloud computing in today’s business world. Whereas at one point, locally-stored data on desktop computers that weren’t connected to a network were “good enough”, these days it’s more likely than not that you’re storing data in the cloud. That means a functional network is a must. Networks and Infrastructure management includes IP Virtual Private Networks widely used for secure, high performance, cost-effective networking. When handled it eliminates the cost of maintaining a data center via a Service Level Agreement (SLA), as Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local Area Network (LAN) services do.
  • Security Services
    Perhaps more than any other IT service that you could have managed, security is likely the most valuable. Unlike printers or communications, security requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance, all of which can best be delivered as a managed function. Managed Security Services are network security services that get outsourced to a service provider. The “defense-in-depth” functions include 24/7 monitoring and management of firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Your IT company will also respond to emergencies, performs security assessments and security audits, oversees patch management and upgrades.

Are Dallas IT Services The Right Choice For You?

Which type of service is right for you depends on what you need out of your technology in terms of uptime and efficiency, what your technology budget looks like, and how technology issues could potentially impact things like security and compliance.

Before you think about going through the stress of trying to find a computer technician or even a computer engineer to support your network and technology infrastructure, speak with a local managed IT services company.

Ask some questions about the services they offer, what their prices are and other concerns you may have. When you find the right Dallas IT services– a reliable partner who will work with you – you’ll see the benefits first hand.

Contact our experts at Data Magic to start fully managing your IT services, call (469) 635-5500 or click here to speak with our representatives. 


Are Layoffs In Dallas Leaving Your IT Director Overworked?

Is Your Dallas IT Director Overworked Due To Layoffs?

It’s no secret: the coronavirus pandemic has brought about many changes to the way we live, work, and connect. Many organizations were required to shut down in response to social distancing requirements, or if possible, embrace remote work to continue operations safely.

Naturally, returning to some sense of normalcy means struggling to stay afloat for many organizations. In turn, layoffs are often done as a way to cut costs in an economic downturn.

But what happens when layoffs take place throughout the technology department?

Unfortunately, many organizations decide to get rid of some, if not all, of their technology department as a way to minimize expenses and remain afloat – leaving the IT director to handle the ongoing management of information technology systems on their own. This is a decision made alongside many others:

  • Reprioritizing current and planned projects
  • Implementing hiring freezes
  • Focusing on collecting outstanding payments

Ultimately, it’s a tough decision for many organizations, and if possible, it’s always best to look for other ways to stay afloat before laying off staff members. For instance, organizations can cut costs by transitioning some or all of their staff to remote work in situations wherein this is an option. This reduces costs through:

  • Switching on-premises technology to cloud-based technology – meaning there’s no upfront costs, expensive upgrades, and costly troubleshooting fees to worry about. Instead, you pay a monthly fee for what you use, and everything is managed for you.
  • Eliminating the need for a large office space – meaning you’re able to either downsize or get rid of that space altogether. This frees up cash flow because you no longer need to worry about a large mortgage, heating and cooling costs, and upkeep.

If this isn’t possible and cutting costs through layoffs is necessary, what can IT directors do to manage their workload?

Managing A Heavier Workload With Less Staff Can Quickly Become Overwhelming

First and foremost, information technology shouldn’t be overlooked during this difficult time. After all, information technology has likely played an integral role throughout the pandemic – allowing organizations to embrace remote work through:

  • The ability to access important files, applications, and systems from home with remote access solutions
  • The ability to collaborate face-to-face on a virtual level via video conferencing solutions and VoIP business phones
  • The ability to maintain security against threats on home computers with enterprise-grade security solutions and virtual private networks

We understand the need to cut costs, but IT directors will be left with an overwhelming workload in the aftermath of technology personnel layoffs. They’ll be focused on stabilizing the business and preparing for greater resiliency from a technology perspective – a huge task for any single person to take on.

Are You an IT Director in Need of Assistance in the Aftermath of Technology Personnel Layoffs?

Data Magic Computer Solutions can assist you with stabilizing the business in a post-coronavirus world, as well as preparing for greater resiliency, so you’re ready to face any sort of disruption in the future. We’ll augment your efforts – working alongside you to manage your workload. Our team can help you with:

  • Handling the day-to-day, routine tasks like maintenance, monitoring, data backups, and other time-consuming work so you can focus on more strategic initiatives
  • Handling the strategic initiatives like embracing the cloud for remote work or ensuring business intelligence with real-time access to data while you handle day-to-day tasks

You can keep managing the areas you excel at and have time for while we offload the rest – giving you the ability to handle the heavier workload that comes along with technology personnel layoffs. Our team is available at a flat-rate monthly fee that gives you all of the support and services you need, as well as:

  • Access to the skill-sets and expertise of an entire team of technology professionals.
  • Access to discounted rates on tools and technologies due to our range of partnerships.
  • Access to greater availability in the event you need assistance after-hours.

For more information on how Data Magic can best serve you, click here to get in touch with our representatives or call us at (469) 635-5500.

Blog Cyber Security Blog Technology News

Are CEOs Ready To Answer These Cybersecurity Questions?

CEOs & Cybersecurity

There are board members who give CEOs cyber-headaches. Some buy into the media hype about data breaches and repeatedly question a decision-maker’s choices about critical next steps to secure digital assets. Others tend to second-guess a CEO’s strategy, believing they are well-versed in cybersecurity. But the biggest problem stems from an increased number of board members wanting detailed answers to questions because they base investment decisions based on cyber-risk. A recent Gartner survey uncovered these statistics.

  • Organizations generating $1 billion in revenue reported to the board at least once annually
  • Four out of five industry leader’s decisions were influenced by cyber-risk

While CEOs may be passionate people with their fingers on the pulse of an operation, board members typically need answers they wrap their heads around. These are common — sometimes exacerbating — questions CEOs are asked and suggestions on how to answer them.

CEOs and Cybersecurity

What Happened?

It’s not unusual for this question to be more an expression of frustration. From a board member’s perspective, the outfit makes sizeable investments into cybersecurity. The notion they expect a return on investment is not necessarily unreasonable. But the idea that throwing money at a problem solves it does not hold water either.

It may be in a CEO’s best interest to begin by outlining the incident, explaining the impact and mitigation steps that have been taken. Then, defer to your cybersecurity specialist to delve into the details about next-steps strategies that can minimize this type of breach and others going forward.

Is The Company 100 Percent Secure?

This ranks among the many questions from board members who generally do not understand how cybersecurity works. Given the complexities and wide-ranging threats, this could be a difficult question to answer. But a savvy CEO can turn the “100 percent” question into an opportunity by having your cybersecurity expert help field it. Given that you cannot educate a board member on the spot, consider providing an answer that speaks to something they might find tangible — investment.

Cybersecurity is comparable to a chess match. For every move a hacker makes, you come up with a solution. The more elaborate their schemes, the better your strategies. But because no one can know what the next threat will be, your organization budgets ahead to have the resources to pivot and defend. Current investment has been allocated to minimize known threats and keep a cybersecurity consultant in the fold to monitor emerging ones. No one is ever 100 percent secure, but this company does everything possible to keep our digital assets safe.

How Bad Is It Out There?

When board members buy into the media hype about cybercriminals upending nation-states, that question comes with an ominous tone. Yes, it’s bad out there because hackers relentlessly develop increasingly clever methods to work around even robust defenses.

It may be the case that your board needs some comfort. CEOs can brighten their outlook by offering the “low-hanging fruit” scenario. Explain that hackers troll the internet searching for outfits with subpar defenses. Many digital thieves simply want an easy score. They prefer organizations with weak defenses they can pluck like low-hanging fruit.

This organization enlists the help of a cybersecurity expert to ensure your defenses are tough to penetrate. In most cases, cybercriminals will move on and find a vulnerable company rather than waste their time and energy trying to breach your network.

How Dallas-Fort Worth CEOs Can Best Prepare To Answer Board Questions

As a managed IT firm that works with businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we understand the enormous pressure boards bring to bear regarding cyber-risk. By working with Data Magic, CEOs can have a full review conducted, harden weaknesses, and implement a proactive strategy. As a leading cybersecurity firm, we monitor emerging threats and deliver real-time intelligence to industry leaders. Your board’s questions won’t keep you up at night knowing you have a determined cybersecurity firm on top of the situation.


Should CFOs Hire An Internal IT Department Or Outsource Post COVID-19

Which IT Department Should CFOs Hire In Response To COVID-19: Internal Or Outsourced?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to change the way we live, work, and connect, it’s an important time to consider what’s next. In truth, the event we’re living through is unprecedented with school closures, large-scale lockdowns, and businesses being forced to shut down or embrace remote work.

It’s an uncertain time, especially for CFOs in charge of handling the finances amongst the fear, panic, and economic changes happening right now and into the future. Naturally, the CFO plays an integral role right now – determining what’s necessary to keep their organization afloat, despite the majority of businesses facing difficulties associated with:

  • Less cash-flow available
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Decreased revenue
  • And much more

So what do CFOs need to know about hiring internally vs. outsourcing when it comes to managing their information technology? Well, for many, the most important thing to keep in mind is that information technology shouldn’t be overlooked during this difficult time. Information technology has played a crucial role in many organizations tackling the challenges associated with remote work.

How Information Technology is Keeping Many Organizations Afloat

Many organizations have embraced remote work in response to social distancing and shelter-in-place orders. Naturally, information technology has played a crucial role – allowing them to:

  • Access files, applications, and systems from the comfort of their own homes
  • Collaborate with colleagues, partners, and customers via video conferencing solutions
  • Stay secure against the influx of phishing attacks related to the pandemic
  • Maintain communications with cloud-based phone systems that keep staff connected

Although information technology has played a critical role in maintaining the safety and survival of many organizations across the nation, CFOs must not overlook the fact that information technology should also play a role in the next two steps they need to take:

  • Stabilizing the business in anticipation for the end of lockdowns
  • Preparing the business for greater resiliency before another disruption occurs

Hiring an Internal IT Department or Outsourcing to an MSP

As the duration of the coronavirus pandemic remains unclear, it’s time for CFOs to optimize cash reserves as much as possible. Although information technology is incredibly valuable right now, who should manage that information technology? Financially, what makes the most sense: hiring an internal IT department or outsourcing to an MSP?

Although there are many qualified, talented technology professionals out there for hire, the following costs will be required:

  • Training and certifications
  • Vacation time
  • Salary
  • Benefits
  • Sick days
  • Workstations and other necessary equipment

An MSP, on the other hand, is available at a flat-rate monthly fee – delivering all of the services and support you need without the additional expenses. This means you gain the following benefits:

  • More training and certifications as they keep their team up-to-date on the latest skills, education, and knowledge at their own expense
  • Greater availability for support as they’re available around-the-clock with a team of experts who have varying skill-sets
  • Lower, more predictable costs that can be accurately budgeted for every month while preventing downtime with proactive measures

So what makes the most sense financially? The MSP tends to be more affordable – giving you more cash-flow available as well. There are no upfront costs associated with setting up a workstation for them or providing any necessary training or certifications.

How An MSP Helps CFOs Stabilize The Business And Prepare

As we mentioned above, the CFOs’ primary goal right now is ensuring the safety and survival of the organization. But afterward, they must focus their efforts on stabilizing the business in anticipation of the end of lockdowns and preparing the business for greater resiliency before another disruption occurs. An MSP can assist with both of these steps – as outlined below:

  • An MSP assists with stabilizing the business as they turn the ad-hoc remote work approach into an organized, cohesive strategy that incorporates the right tools and technologies, such as:
    • Microsoft Office 365 for any time, anywhere access to word processing, spreadsheets, calendars, contacts, email, and video conferencing
    • VoIP business phones that ensure communications as employees can access their work lines, along with transferring and extensions, from home
    • Virtual private network (VPN) technology that provides a secure, encrypted tunnel for employees accessing the network
    • Cloud-based line of business applications to ensure ERP systems, accounting programs, CRM solutions, and more are still accessible
  • An MSP assists with preparing for greater resiliency as they can assist with reforming and reimagine business processes and procedures from a technological standpoint:
    • Automating time-consuming, routine tasks to minimize the reliance on human resources as much as possible
    • Safeguarding internet connectivity now and into the future with backup lines, redundancy, and alternative connectivity protocols
    • Ensuring business intelligence with real-time insight into data for the ability to make well-informed decisions

For more information on how an MSP can serve the needs of your business, click here to get in touch with one of our representatives or call (469) 635-5500 today!

Blog Cyber Security Blog

Do You Have An Expert Team Managing Your NIST Compliance?

Mainly falsely assume that being NIST compliant is important in and of itself, and for no other reason. That it’s only important to be compliant so that you avoid the consequences of noncompliance, like fines and audits. The truth is that a failure to stay NIST compliant can also affect your sales and growth as a business, as well as put your data at risk.

It is surprising to think that compliance has considerations other than just compliance, right?

What Is NIST Compliance?

With NIST 800-171, it’s the contractor’s responsibility to safeguard all data and information related to any work performed for the DoD, including:

  • Controlled technical information (CTI)
  • Information that would be described as controlled unclassified information (CUI)
  • Covered defense information (CDI)

If you’re not compliant, you’re technically no longer qualified to contract with the DoD – no matter which contracts you have in place or the professional relationships you’ve built over the years.

What’s The Right Way To Become NIST Compliant?

The best way to get this process started is to work with a third party that knows the ins and outs of NIST 800-171, and how to go about becoming compliant.

Data Magic Computer Services has experience successfully completing NIST 800-171 Assessments, IT Security Audits, and delivering Cyber Security best practices consulting in both private and public sector environments of all sizes.

Why do so many government contractors choose Data Magic Computer Services for their NIST SP 800-171 compliance needs?

Our team is proud to deliver:

  • The expertise, experience, and a price even small businesses can afford
  • One easy done-for-you consulting package to get you the answers you need quickly, the tools to become compliant, and a company who will be there to help with questions and implementation as needed.
  • Continuing compliance assistance as needed to help you stay compliant and be there for you if a compliance issue or breach occurs.

3 Steps To NIST Compliance

1. Compliance Assessment & Strategy

Our compliance services begin with a comprehensive assessment of your IT systems, the findings of which are compared with NIST SP 800-171 cybersecurity controls. Our team will then develop a strategy to mitigate any risks of noncompliance, providing detailed documentation that you can show the DoD or your Prime to prove your commitment to NIST compliance.

2. Remediation

Once the assessment is complete and the strategy has been developed, our team gets to work implementing any necessary changes in order to bring you to a state of confident NIST compliance. No matter what aspect of your cybersecurity is lacking, we will match it with a tested and proven solution to make sure it doesn’t put you at risk any longer.

3. Compliance Management

NIST compliance is not a one-time effort. Ongoing compliance requires ongoing management, monitoring your systems for any potential cybersecurity instances, and reporting to the DoD through the DIBNet Portal within 72 hours as required. As your IT systems age, and NIST requirements are updated, our team will make sure you stay compliant, applying necessary changes as need be.

Our streamlined assessment process can guide you through becoming compliant in as little as one day – all you have to do is reach out to our team.

We’ll provide a NIST certification in everything but name – while you may not have a fancy plague or diploma announcing your NIST certification to each and every prime contractor you do business with, you’ll still have the confidence knowing you’re fully compliant – and that you don’t have to worry about it any longer.

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