
Determining an IT Budget for Your Business

How to Do It and Why It Is So Important

When it comes to IT support, most business owners and managers aren’t exactly sure how much money should be budgeted. The unfortunate truth is that IT challenges are hard to predict. As a result, most executives find it somewhat difficult to predict the amount of money that will be necessary and when it will be required. Let’s take a look at this complex issue to help you figure out the proper amount of your company’s budget to devote to IT.


A Brief Explanation of IT Budgets

A company’s IT budget represents the funds reserved for an organization’s information technology systems and services. This figure includes salaries / wages for IT personnel, compensation for outside IT professionals, costs for back-office systems and the creation / maintenance of company-wide services. Add in the costs of IT hardware expenditures, and the amount of money spent on IT can pile up rather quickly. After all, most companies need numerous laptops, desktops, smartphones, other mobile devices, routers, servers, networking equipment and a data center.

Why an IT Budget Is So Important

IT budgeting is growing in importance as our reliance on digital devices increases. Information stored on paper is going the way of the dodo bird. Nowadays, information storage and retrieval are rapidly shifting toward the Internet and computing devices. It is clear that IT will only continue to become more ubiquitous as time progresses. Organizations that fail to institute a realistic IT budget will find that they are not properly prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. A faulty budget or the complete lack of a budget can damage a company’s finances and even threaten its viability as a business.

How to Create an IT Budget

IT budgets are typically presented and managed by IT power players within a company, yet a small group of IT specialists should not be solely responsible for the creation of this budget. Allow everyone, from the head of your IT department to line managers and consultants, to provide input in order to construct an accurate budget. After all, IT employees and consultants will have to operate within the constraints of this budget throughout the next year. Therefore, they should not be excluded from building this critically important spending plan.

Do not delay the formulation of the budget until a month or two before it is due. Begin work several months in advance so you have ample time to analyze the previous year’s IT budget and this year’s costs. You will need plenty of time to study these figures and pinpoint spending areas that can be either reduced or reallocated.

As you ponder what sort of IT budget is appropriate for your business, consider what its purpose really is. A well-conceived IT budget is an honest numeric manifestation of your organization’s IT strategy. The budget should be easily understood so that it can be communicated between co-workers. If executed properly, the IT budget should not be “kicked back” for major revisions. A comprehensive assessment of last year’s IT costs along with anticipated costs for the upcoming year should set the table for the creation of a detailed IT budget that predicts future costs with accuracy. Do not use this document as a “wish list” for the funding of IT projects. The budget should reflect existing savings strategies and generally tell a story that serves as a guide to your organization’s overarching IT strategy. Ideally, it will be divided between major spending categories and appropriate subcategories. It is also prudent to allocate components of your IT budget to areas of the business that the IT department supports. Do not lose sight of the fact that it might be possible to charge expenses right back to those specific departments.


Protecting Your Business Against the Badlock Vulnerability

During late March of 2016, a vulnerability now called Badlock was found in the popular business network application Samba. Samba enables different kinds of computers to connect to files and printers on Microsoft Windows servers, the central platform for many businesses. Badlock is particularly serious, because it not only affects a whole range of different Samba versions, but, because of the manner in which it works with Windows computers, it makes them vulnerable to attack in other ways.

Badlock Virus

Badlock Creates Business Risks

The Samba software suite performs a variety of functions and is especially common on business networks. While Badlock could make home networks vulnerable, too, I believe attackers are much more likely to target businesses. Here are the types of attacks I believe Badlock enables against business networks.

Man in the Middle (MitM) Attacks

Samba works by connecting to your business’s central Windows server, the place in which your user account information is stored, called the Active Directory (AD) server. Badlock lets attackers perform what’s called a “Man in the Middle” attack, which lets the culprits see information moving between your AD user account server, your file server and your staff’s computers. Private business files and user information can be stolen this way.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

If that weren’t bad enough, Badlock also makes businesses vulnerable to something called a Denial of Service attack. Here, instead of trying to access your business’s information, Badlock simply lets attackers punch a hole through IT security systems and overwhelm your Windows servers, preventing you from accessing your files or even logging into your computers.

What to Do

Technical information for IT staff can be found on the Badlock vulnerability awareness site. In general, all businesses affected by Badlock should take the following actions:

Prioritize the Application of Security Fixes

Updating your computer systems with the latest security fixes — patching — is the single most important step to take regarding Badlock. Patches are available now for affected versions of Samba. Badlock affects older versions of Samba, too, some of which are no longer supported by the developer. If your business is using Samba version 4.1, you should know that it will never receive a fix, and you should make upgrading to a newer, safer version a business priority.

Audit Computer Systems for Unnecessary Samba Connections

A general rule of IT security is that if you’re not using a particular feature, always turn it off. Leaving your network up and open when you don’t need it is akin to leaving a door to your business unlocked just because you think that someday you may need to use that door. If an audit hasn’t been performed in a while, work with IT staff to review your computer network for unnecessary, open network connections. These could be Samba connections or other types.

It is important to know that patching and auditing your computer systems against Badlock may require some downtime. This can be a tough pill to swallow for businesses that rely heavily on their computer systems, but Badlock is serious enough that you must make this a priority. The potential damage an attacker can wreak on your systems is just too great to delay taking action.

Get Further Advice on Badlock or Business IT Security

Do you want additional advice on how to handle Badlock or other IT security matters? Our team has years of experience to offer you. Give us a call at (469) 635-5500 today.


Top Ten Ways To Create A Strong Password

Creating a password is not as easy as it has been in the past. People today are forced to make stronger passwords and keep track of several different ones. While this may seem complicated, it is important to create a strong password so that your information can be kept safe and secure. Use these tips to create a strong password every time.

Stronger Passwords

  • Embrace Complexity. A good password is one that is hard to figure out. If you create a complex password then it will more difficult for hackers to break it. You can do this by utilizing combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters, and other forms of punctuation in your password. You can even create a common phrase that only you would know, not one that can be guessed from a song, movie, or other common vernacular.
  • Stay Away From Easy Guesses. While this may seem obvious, there are still attacks (about 3/4 of them) that involve easily cracked passwords. To stay away from passwords that are easy guesses do not use family member names, pet names, favorite bands, or other information anyone may know about you. In no circumstance should you use a password like “admin” or “password” as they are easily guessed.
  • Do Not Share Your Password. You may share a lot of things with people but your passwords should not be on that list. This includes your friends, family, and colleagues. Even if you trust the person with everything, keep your passwords private.
  • Always Make New Passwords. Do not reuse old passwords or use the same one for multiple websites. This is a terrible idea because if you do this and a hacker cracks one password, he has cracked them all. More than half of users recycle passwords on multiple accounts and this act puts you in danger.
  • Update Your Passwords Regularly. It may seem like a hassle but updating your password often helps keep your accounts more secure. When you update a password, do not simply add another number on to your old one. Create an entirely new password.
  • Consider A Password Storage System. If you are creating different passwords for all accounts as you should be, there will be a lot of passwords to keep up with. Consider using a password management solution or save them in a very safe place such as an encrypted file. Whatever you do, do not keep your list of passwords on a sheet of paper where anyone can find it.
  • Take Advantage of Multifactor Authentication. Whenever possible, utilize multifactor authentication to protect your accounts. With this method, you can easily confirm your identity using a one-time password or PIN given to you through your email or phone. Set these up in case you forget a password so that only you can unlock the account.
  • Keep Everything Central. Manage everything from a central location instead of various locations. This is another reason why it is good to use a password management system. That kind of system can also generate strong passwords for you and remind you to update it periodically.
  • Create a Single Sign On For Accounts. If you do need to have people sign on to the same system but do not want everyone to have their own access to keep up with, use a single sign on that everyone can use. This is not ideal for all systems but it can be efficient in some areas.
  • Manage Passwords and Password Policies Smartly. No one wants to have their information used without their permission. Make smart decisions about your passwords.

Make the Strategic Move to Embrace Collaboration

In modern business environments, collaboration is vital – all departments and staff members must be able to communicate and work together on projects, in order to remain ahead of the competition. As industries of all types focus more heavily on collaboration than ever before, businesses are becoming more proactive and engaged, and if you haven’t yet embraced collaboration as a strategic move, you’re going to fall behind.

Technology Strategy

It’s no secret: technology is the driving force behind effective collaboration for businesses. As technology enables greater flexibility and mobility among the workforce, forward-thinking business owners are leveraging innovative solutions to achieve a more digital operating model.

Let’s take a look at how technology has evolved. You’ve likely upgraded in the following ways:

  • A flip phone to a smartphone.
  • A floppy disk to a USB stick.
  • A traditional business phone to a cloud-based business phone

Now it’s time to upgrade again. The workplace is evolving and there’s no need to sit behind a desk all day because it’s the only way you’re able to access information and applications. Microsoft Office 365 brings you the next generation of collaboration tools – allowing you to access the programs you depend on from any device or location.

How does {company} help you experience the power of efficient collaboration? We help you leverage Microsoft Office 365 – a fantastic suite of productivity programs that benefits you in a multitude of ways.

Boost productivity throughout the workforce

Boost productivity throughout the workforce as staff members are able to access important information and applications from any device or location, which in turn, means you’re able to get more done with less.

Secure sensitive information with ease

Microsoft invests heavily in security – much more than the average small to midsize business – ensuring there’s no way for hackers to get into their programs and steal sensitive information from you.

Eliminate third-party software costs

Eliminate costs associated with various types of third-party software licenses, such as anti-spam software, as well as costs associated with updating software on a regular basis, in order to cut costs significantly.

Microsoft Office 365 is the right choice for those who are tired of struggling with communication breakdowns in the office. We’ll help you migrate over, then we’ll provide the management and support you need to ensure you’re collaborating as efficiently as possible while making the most of the investment you’ve made.


How a Strategic Move to The Cloud Will Benefit Your Small Business

The benefits of the cloud are wide-ranging and unique depending on every circumstance  – unfortunately, most small business owners don’t quite understand how or why the cloud will work for them. What’s important to recognize is that working with the cloud is extremely flexible and customizable, and that’s where Data Magic Inc. comes in.

Cloud Computing

Our team understands the most effective ways to tailor the cloud to your needs, to address the unique requirements of your workforce while providing mobility, protection, and convenience. You gain:

  • Access to data and applications from any device, regardless of your location.
  • Customizable solutions tailored to your needs, saving you time and money.
  • Peace of mind knowing that even when a disaster hits, you’re still able to access essential business resources.

Our teams follow a number of steps to help your small business make an easy and effective transition to the cloud, including:

Answering Questions and Offering Guidance

  • We help you understand the scalability of the cloud, providing a strategy for how it can address your unique needs and goals.
  • Our team will answer any and all of your cloud computing questions, to ensure all of your concerns are addressed before moving forward.

Talking About Security

  • We know that security is a top priority for every small business, so we talk to you about how the cloud factors into business continuity and data protection.

Working With You Every Step of The Way

  • From guidance to the transition, to continued support – our team works with you every step of the way, helping you use the cloud to remove obstacles and improve workflow.
  • We ensure you’re utilizing the right solutions to enhance communication, increase productivity, provide protection, and positively impact your bottom line.
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